There are many things that could be cause for a written warning. This list is not exhaustive, and management reserves the right to give a warning for anything, even behaviors not on this list.
The first occurrence of any incident will be a simple conversation with a manager resulting in a clear understanding of the expectations and the consequences of future similar behavior.
The second occurrence of that same behavior within 30 days will result in a verbal warning and will be documented.
The third occurrence of that same behavior within 30 days will result in a written warning.
If there is a fourth occurrence within that same 30 day window of time, it will be a “911” and will require an immediate change of behavior or termination.
All warnings will become inactive after 30 days. Our intention and goal with this policy is that you feel that you have the capability to “live in the green” and that you know we are recognizing improved behaviors.
Any employee who receives 2 written warnings (for any reasons) within a 30 day period, is at risk of being placed on probation, having reduced hours, or being terminated from employment at Sparklean.
Please keep in mind that there are situations where a warning will not be given, and that termination will be the first step. Blatant dishonesty, a break in trust, theft in any form, or harassment in any form, etc.
Below are definitions for the categories of write ups. Our goal is that we’ll avoid almost all write ups by being very clear upfront as you start your employment. Your status can be viewed on the last page of your employment scorecard which is shared via Google Sheets.
ABSENCE. Being absent (for any reason) from any scheduled shift (cleaning, staff meetings, coaching meetings, etc). Please note that absences are calculated on a 60 DAY time frame. All other issues are on a 30 day track.
The first absence will result in a conversation with a manager. And is counted as allowable.
The second absence in a 60 day period will result in a verbal warning.
The third absence in a 60 day period will result in a written warning.
The fourth absence in a 60 day period will result in probation or termination.
Calling in absent from work later than 7:30am the day of your shift will result in a written warning.
Being absent from work without any communication to managers “no call no show” will result in a written warning. Any future occurrences of “no call no show” would result in immediate termination.
TARDINESS. Tardy is defined as being more than 5 minutes late at the beginning of a work day (your first location - either office [8:20am or later] or 1st house [9:05am or later]).
OVER/UNDERS. Staying at houses longer than scheduled or leaving houses sooner than scheduled without manager authorization.
UN-SATISFACTORY CLEANING. Poor cleaning (details or speed) reported from two or more people (lead cleaners or clients).
LOSS OR BREAKAGE. Loss or breakage of company equipment or client breakages.
PERSONAL PHONE USE. Personal phone use in a client’s house.
MIS-ALIGNMENT OF VALUES. Display of, or communication, in opposition to Sparklean company values, such as negative or disrespectful talk with staff or clients, including swearing.
CLOCK IN/OUT. Failing to communicate about missed or incorrect clock in/out.
SECURITY. Carelessness regarding security (Sparklean office and/or Client homes).