Logistics You need to know in your first week

Group Me App

  • Please download this app on your phone and create your own login.

  • We will add you to two groups that we use for employee communication:

    • 1) The all-staff group chat for every staff member on our team. This is where we post reminders and things that the entire team needs to know. Note: Instead of a thumbs up button to “like” messages, we’ve changed it to a puppy emoji and we ask that you use that to acknowledge that you’ve read a message. All messages from any of the managers should be acknowledged. This helps us know that everyone has all the information they need.

    • 2) A private chat between you and all managers. 99% of the time, this is the appropriate place to communicate anything about work. This allows us managers to serve you best by all being on the same page and reduces any miscommunication.

ZenMaid App

  • Please download this app on your phone.

  • Your username is the email address that you gave us when you applied.

  • Your password is the first 4 letters of your first name and the last 4 digits of your phone number (all lower case).

  • You must enable GPS tracking, this is how we verify clock in/out locations.

Clocking in and out

  • There are two ways you get paid by the hour: cleaning time at houses and any non-cleaning time (driving between houses or picking up/dropping off supplies at the office)

  • You will be assigned these events in ZenMaid.

  • When you use ZenMaid, you are required to select the option to allow GPS so that your clock in/outs show the location.

  • When you arrive at the office OR at the first house you clock into non-cleaning time. You will be clocked in to this ALL day long.

  • When you arrive at the first house and have exited your vehicle, you will clock into that specific house (you will be clocked into two events/appointments at the same time - a house and non-cleaning time). When you leave that house and have returned to your vehicle, clock out of it.

  • When you arrive at the next house, clock into that specific house, etc, etc.

  • At the end of the day, when you’re getting ready to drive home (whether that’s from the last house or from the office), then you’ll clock out of non-cleaning time.

  • When we run payroll, we calculate how much actual non-cleaning time you had that day by subtracting your total cleaning hours from your total non-cleaning time hours.

    • For instance, if you were clocked into non-cleaning time for 8 hours, and you had 6.5 hours of cleaning time, then we would put 1.5 hours of non-cleaning time on your payroll.

  • You are responsible for clocking in and out of every event that you are assigned to.

  • If for some reason your clock ins don’t record correctly, let the managers know in your private GroupMe chat and a manager can manually adjust it for you.

  • The precise time to clock in and out of each house is when you are out of your car, have supplies out of the car, and are about to start walking up to the house or when you’re just returning to your cars.


  • You are paid 58.5 cents per mile that you drive while clocked in. The non-cleaning time event in ZenMaid is actually called “Non-Cleaning Time (Remember To Record Your Mileage)” Use that as a reminder for when to start and stop recording mileage.

  • When you clock in to non-cleaning time for the day, record your mileage.

  • When you clock out of non-cleaning time for the day, record your mileage again and subtract your starting mileage so that you can get your daily total.

  • You can also use the trip odometer in your car by zeroing it when you clock into non-cleaning time, and writing down the final number on your trip odometer when you clock out of non-cleaning time.

  • Record your total mileage for each day in a notes app on your phone.

  • We will send a reminder in GroupMe every other Friday about when mileage is due. (It’s the Friday that is not Payday)

  • Please keep in mind that while driving can be a pain, you are paid for it at 58.5 cents per mile in addition to your $11.53 per hour for non cleaning time. The average cost of gas is approximately 12 cents per mile.


  • We do payroll via check for all employees. These will be placed in your mailbox at the office every other Friday. We do not do advances unless there are extreme circumstances.

  • You need to login to the online system to get your paystubs and W2’s.

  • Please watch out for two emails from Spruce Valley Payroll with instructions for logging in. This is a requirement for completing the cleaning training and moving on to the Lead Cleaner position.