Estimates And Client Priorities

Please ensure that you understand the material completely before moving on as you will be talking through your understanding of the material with Haylie during a coaching meeting.


As you progress into the Lead Cleaner position, it’s important that you understand how we do estimates so that you can see how much time we are setting aside for each kind of area in a home. This can help you not only in your own timing, but in guiding others in their timing, and will help you give accurate estimates of how much extra time to suggest to clients if/when you encounter a clean that you think needs more time.

Each client has a phone estimate and an in-person estimate done by Sara or Katie, who have many years of estimate experience between them.

Here is a basic sample of a completed estimate sheet based off of common times needed for the average home:

Keep these times in mind as you are cleaning.

Client Priorities

One of the ways we bring value to our clients is through tailoring cleanings to their specific priorities. While it can be easy to get into a familiar routine and do largely the same things at each house, many of our clients would rather that we skip some things in favor of others, pay extra attention to specific tasks, or avoid certain items/areas altogether.

We are able to gather this information through utilizing a document we call the Client Priorities Assessment that fits most cleaning tasks under three basic sections: Standard, Thorough, and On-Request. There are also spaces for clients to leave specific notes for each area (kitchen, bathrooms, dusting, floors) so that if a client would rather, for example, that we ignore the front of their fridge and do a deeper cleaning of their cabinet fronts instead, they can let us know. Once clients have completed their assessment, their client notes in ZenMaid get updated by management so that everybody has access to that information when needed.

The client notes in ZenMaid should be reviewed before their cleaning and with your partner during the initial walk-through upon entering the house, after introducing yourselves to clients.

Below is an example of a completed Client Priorities Assessment:

Can you tell what they would like us to focus on? Which section (or sections) did they maybe select the wrong option for based on the special notes they included on the very left of the form? No need to actually find a place to answer these questions, just food for thought :)